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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Bar Prep is Tedious

Currently, it's almost 10 AM.

If I had managed to wake up at 7:20, I'd just now be nearing the first break in a three hour lecture on PA Professional Responsibility.

Since I'm not there, I'll have to pick up a videotape, or find a time to watch it at one of the other Philadelphia area Bar Bri sessions.

My goodness, this is tedious. Some of the reading is not bad, but as a whole this daily grind of classes and material is quite exasperating. And it means that my entire day is consumed: first classes, then work, then home and whatever I manage to do with the "homework".

The intensity of my external focus in combination with the stress of adapting to a different schedule temporarily destroys my equanimity. It is an unpleasant feeling to be so out of balance, and to know that the imbalance will continue for two more months.

Fortunately, next week is something of a breather; only two days of class for folks just taking the PA Bar (the other days are training for the NJ Essays).

This bar prep foolishness is so bad that looking for a job is starting to appear a welcome distraction. And, I assure you, I hate looking for jobs.

The Permalink doesn't seem to be working, but today, at least, Anthony works a similar theme as his latest post.

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