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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Dangers of Itunes

I've had a sore throat since friday, and unfortunately instead of getting better by Monday, it got worse. So I've spent the last 72 hours sleeping some 50 hours.

Idle hands are the devil's workshop, so I went to enjoy harmless fun provided by Apple: the Itunes Store.

Now over the years, I've had quite a bit of fun at Bob Dylan's expense. But every once in a while I really want to hear one of his pop tunes. While I could blame illness, instead I'll give credit where it's due.

Thank you Bob Dylan for "Lay Lady Lay".

Other purchases included more Ben Folds Five, Blondie, New Order, Traffic, The Who, Chemical Brothers, Gorillaz, Bush, Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, Madonna, Laura Branigan, Cake, Blur, and David Bowie.


Bill said...

Bar Prep must be sucking up a ton of time. Either that, or you're rafting through the street of Philly right about now.

Adam said...

Sadly it's the former, rather than the latter.

But more days than not I regard the brown catastrophe with suspicion as I cross it on Walnut Street back home from work.

Adam said...

Also, because The Smiths are not on Itunes, I had to buy their physical CD the other day for just two songs: How Soon Is Now, and Girlfriend in a Coma.