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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Class of 2005

I went to the Law School commencement for the Class of '05. I knew about 30 of the folks graduating tonight, so I came out to clap and cheer.

It ran from 6 PM to about 8:30, and then I headed home. In the interest of boring you with the details of my exciting dinner, I'll tell you what I had. America's Choice thin-sliced chicken sandwich on wheat breat, baby carrots, yogurt, potato chips, and some cupcakes for desert. Tomorrow they want me in for work by 8 AM 'ish. That'll take some effort, so I'm going to try to hit the sack early.

In blogging news, I noticed that Omri is taking a break. And I got this update that the Temple Law Federalist Society now has a blog (with pictures!). Also, although he doesn't post very often, I realized the other day that Professor Post is also a member of The Volokh Conspiracy. Which is pretty cool.

If you've been paying attention to men's fashion, like I have (but in a strictly manly way) you know that lime green is big this year. So yesterday, I stopped in at Brooks Brother's to replace a coffee-stained shirt, and left with a bright green tie and "Non-Iron Tattersall Button Down Dress Shirt" with green stripes.

Something astonishing happened: I got stopped by women on the street to ask me where I got it.

I repeat...women were stopping me.

I was dressed so sharp, these people wanted royalties.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Does anybody else see the possibility for a TV show here?

"Davis Eye for the Liberal Guy"