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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Shorts at Work

This week I'm wearing shorts and seersucker to work.

Why? Well, first off, my legs are quite handsome, thank you very much.

But the important reason is that I'm over at the warehouse, where it's dirty and there are no customers with delicate sensibilities to offend.

But it's fun. I get to fill up boxes, and ship stuff out. It rocks. You get a real sense of accomplishment when you see a big pile of "ready to ships" and you know you were an important part of creating that pile.

Tonight, the big announcement was that the Prez was nominating John G. Roberts Jr. to the Supreme Court. For commentary, I turn to Bench Memos (Part of the NRO stable). I also go to The Volokh Conspiracy, and the SCOTUSblog sister blog The Supreme Court Nomination Blog.

Because tomorrow, of course, people are going to ask me "so, what do you think about the nomination."

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