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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"All Done" & "Notes on Cleaning My Bathtub"

So Monday I handed in my exam for Antitrust, and as I announced to the Deans standing around, I really did not know how I felt.

It is a passing strange emotion to know that not only is the work done for this semester, but it is done forever.

Susie (for whom congratulations are in order!) seems to have been hit with a similar feeling. And it looks like some Columbia folks finished up, too!

I went to the main bookstore to pick up my gown, and then I went, as I did regularly for 3 1/2 years, to the Law School Bookstore and drank an iced coffee and read the New York Times. The subway took me home, and then I took a nap. Around 2 AM I woke up and went out for some House of Chen.

Today I bought cleaning supplies, because my apartment is a wreck, and I want it halfway presentable when my parents come up next week.

I discovered that I don't know how to get my bathtub clean. Well, I know how to get it clean enough for me, but I discovered that getting it sparkling was harder than I thought (I had figured I could just use a sponge and leave the everyday shower-cleaning stuff on longer than usual. But time and a soft sponge didn't make any progress.) So I tried the "scrubbing bubbles," Formula 409 with Bleach, and finally Soft Scrub and a non-abrasive scouring pad.

The spray-on foam was useless. The 409 with Bleach turned most stuff white, but there was still this noticable residue. The Soft Scrub and scouring pad, plus my labor, did eventually clear most everything away, but it took me close to an hour!

If it hadn't worked, I'd have hauled out the Comet, and then considered Brasso.

(Out of curiosity I just looked it up, and the scouring agent Brasso uses is quartz. Which means that it wouldn't just remove grime, it would start removing the fiberglass itself-in addition to whatever the solvent would do.)


iSuze said...

So not only am I graduating, but I ALSO had tub issues within the last week! My apartment was a disaster area, but I never notice the tub because I never see it with my contacts in. (My shower curtain remains closed at all times because my bathroom is ugly.) Anyway, I saw it last Tuesday night while I had my lenses in and it grossed me out. So much so that I cleaned it at 2 a.m.

I've been fighting with my tub since I moved into the place a year ago. It never comes totally clean. I tried Clorox Clean-Up, Easy Off BAM!, CLR, bleach, and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. So far, I've had the best luck with the CLR/Magic Eraser combo. Of course, the fumes from the CLR make me woozy, but it cuts the crud.

I have no idea how my tub gets so dirty. I don't feel that grimy, but my tub would tesify otherwise.

Adam said...

I'm sure my Mom knows the best way to clean the tub, but if I call her for the secret she'd fear that her oldest son has been showering in filth.