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Sunday, May 07, 2006

This weekend is not terribly satisfying

One more day, and then it's complete!

Until I meet with the Dean next Monday about the graduation speech. And Bar Bri next tuesday. And all of the cleaning I've put off during the exam period.

Rejected first lines for the speech include:

Now I can tell you what I really think...

So, yeah, last night I got so wasted...

I'd like to say a few words in defense of the 2nd Amendment

Hey, before I begin, I really need a job; anybody out there need a guy?

Is there anyone in the room who has not accepted Christ?


Anonymous said...

"I'd like to say a few words in defense of the Second Amendment" would be funny, non-obvious and probably inoffensive (though if anyone goes on a shooting rampage just before graduation, that's going to need a rewrite).

I have no idea what the theme of your speech will be, but if it's going to be something about what you and your classmates have learned, leading off with something y'all probably learned almost nothing about would be a nice start.

Adam said...

Oh the real thing will be sappy, and short! I and the day class speaker are supposed to clock in at 3 minutes of remarks, with a recognition that at Graduation itself the speaches will undoubtedly run longer.

The rough outline is:

I. This Class are wonderful People

II. Who wouldn't be here celebrating except for all YOU wonderful people (family, friends, faculty, admin, and staff)

III. We're sorry we've acted like law students (weird fixations, funny talking, disappearing for weeks at exam time, missing birthdays, weddings, holidays, thinking like a lawyer at inappropriate times...)

IV. In return for you forgiving our nutty law school behavior, we recognize our responsibility to

V. Reject arrogance and remember that our super-lawyer powers are granted to us so that we may be better servants not for our personal aggrandisement.

VI. Refrain: Thank You Everybody (and Hi Mom and Dad!)