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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hanging Out at the Temple Law Bookstore

Right across the road from Klein Hall is the Law Bookstore. Here there's a nice little coffeeshop, with access to Temple's wireless network. So I get to hang out, read the New York Times (and my homework) and surf the web. On Tuesdays I only have one class, Payment Systems, and it's at 7:30, so leaving work at 4:00 I've got some time to kill.

Now, despite some effort, I'm fully aware of the parade of pulchritude wandering past the window. So if my typing should suddenly trail off, replaced by confused grunting, gentle reader you shall know why.

I guess I should admit some concern over my summer. My current plan is to work in Philly and take summer classes. But if I can find someone who wants to hire me, I'll go wherever they'll pay to have me. I wouldn't be worried, except that Penn's regs force me to work no more than 1000 hours a fiscal year, and I have less than 100 hours left between now and July 1. So I'm nervous about it.

I'm also having to think about my last two semesters of law school. I know I've got to take some more litigation courses to be a "well rounded law student" but I have zero enthusiasm for the task. Similarly, I need to take my big paper course, where I write a 30 page paper on some topic. I'm going to try to write on an international law topic, because I find it interesting, and because if I write a paper for international law, and I decide to go for a Transnational LLM I won't need to write a second paper (i.e. a two for one deal.)

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