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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Commuter Amnesia

Today, after I left work I took the trolley and subway up to Temple. I began reading the Payment Systems book on the trolley.

Many commuters will be familiar with the experience of realizing they are somewhere with no conscious knowlege of how they got there.

It happened to me today, and was freaky. Suddenly I was just standing at the City Hall, wondering how I got there. But on the plus side, I'd had a couple of fun insights into surety law.


Joe said...

I completely know that sensation. Autopilot just takes over. The frightening thing it I sometimes get that while driving.

Matt said...

I've done that while driving too. The worst times are when I go into autopilot and find myself in the wrong place.

Tom said...

I'd say that the worst times are when you come out of Autopilot while driving and can't recall stopping at any red lights. You don't know if you hit all green lights or if you've ran a red light.