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Monday, June 20, 2005


Now, even under the best of circumstances, I am a bit of a night owl. The combination of stress, evening classes, and no work during the day, however, has lead to an egregiously fouled up circadian rhythm.

Yesterday, I slept well into the afternoon. And now, at 7 AM, I am still completely unable to sleep. (I laid awake, fretting at my inability to sleep, from 2 to 4, at which point I gave up and read through some Instapundit and Andrew Sullivan.)

I also read up on sleeping disorders, which is a blast. Mostly a blast because I don't have any of the nasty ones, which I imagine are awfully rough for the folks who've got 'em. Still, I think I could make a good case that I've suffered from Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome since adolescence.

Regardless, maybe I can still get a rehabilitating nap in before noon.


Bill said...

Holy crap. I always thought I was an acute insomniac. I could have a real disease. Maybe I could get on Springer.

Adam said...

Well, we could always get into a shouting match with 'morning people' accusing us of being lazy good-for-nothings. Sounds like ratings gold to me.

Bill said...

I'll have my people contact Springer's people.