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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Late Night Excitement

So, I discovered today that they were going to have a midnight showing of the new Batman movie. Turns out it does indeed rock out in a mighty fashion. Dark, genuinely spooky, at turns gothic.

The theater I went to The Bridge Cinema Deluxe, is located in West Philly, at Penn's campus (and not far from where I work). There was a fairly good crowd, but it didn't look like the whole theater was full. Although the Bridge has some reserved seating available, all I could get online was General Admission, but arriving 20 minutes early easily ensured me a center seat in the third row.

I walked down to 30th Street Station to pick up a Taxi. Unfortunately, my driver got up to Carpenter and Broad and turned left. That's the wrong way down a one way street. A cop pulled us over, so I had to kill 10 minutes as they made sure my guy had a license and such. Looks like his record was clean, 'cause they let him go with a verbal warning.

So now I'm going to go to bed, happy that my classes that don't start until 6 PM.


Bill said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Batman. I'm hoping that it's as good as it looks in the previews, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to see it. Also, did the cab driver's meter continue to run while the cop had you pulled over?

Adam said...

The meter did continue to run for a while, until he switched off the engine. However, when we made it to my place he switched it off entirely. The last number I had seen on the meter was $9.20. I gave him $5 anyway, because that's about what the fare should have been.