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Monday, April 17, 2006

Make Bella Vista Prettier

I live in Bella Vista, which is the home to the Italian Market.

I walk around a lot, too, and something has bugged me almost as soon as I noticed it.


Cable, telephone, electrical. Look up and there's a rats' nest of cables everywhere. Now, I don't know how long this part of town has been electrified, but let's imagine that it happened back in the 1930s. That means that these neighborhoods have had 60+ years of ugly wires and cables overhead. At the very least its been 30 or 40 years...look at all of the huge trees with 'v' cuts in them to protect the wires.

This strikes me as the kind of thing that new construction ought to be paying for. Just like speculative money helped lay down a lot of dark fiber during the boom of the 90s, why not nab the speculators who are bidding up condominium rates here in Philadelphia to bury all of these cables. The benefits will accrue to both the old housing stock and to the new. The city could even sell bonds if it needed to--surely there's some bond outfit at a bank that could use some fees.

Certainly it'll be expensive, but otherwise inertia may lead to leaving these blasted poles in place for another 70 years.

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